Sunday, September 2, 2012

Jordan District: 1 - Eagle Forum: Pissed off.

Bingham High vs. Gayle Ruzicka.  I won’t rehash the details, but you can go backwards over my posts if you need catching up.

The game is over and although the Jordan School District didn’t just tell the Eagle Forum to go where they belong, the changes they did make are quite on the good side of reasonable.

They did:

Up the number of parents on both drama productions committees.  I don’t know what the original numbers were, but there will now be 4 parents at the school level and 5 parents on the district committee.  

What they didn’t do:

Issue a formal statement apologizing for putting on the play “Dead Man Walking”.

Require an open public forum for every proposed play.

From the article on August 30, 2012

Eagle Forum President Gayle Ruzicka said she'd still like to see a statement from the district apologizing for the "Dead Man Walking," as well as future policy changes that would prohibit productions that contain offensive language and content.

Gayle, that’s what the parents on the committees are for, to make sure the standards of their community are respected.  Not what your personal standards are.

And when you consider that there was only 1 negative comment of 700 made to the district about the play before you stuck your big fat self-righteous nose into the whole thing, methinks “Dead Man Walking” just happens to be within the standards of the Bingham High community.

Quit helping people that really don’t want your kind of help.  Thanks anyhow.

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