Monday, June 4, 2012

I don’t suppose you actually SAW it?

Paul Rolly’s article, “Eagle Forum trying hard to be disgusted”, in the Tribune this morning goes to show exactly how far Gayle and the Eagle Nazi’s will go to wield their power.

Apparently they are offended by Bingham High School doing the play “Dead Man Walking”.

Her Heinie-ness was taken aback by the following three things:

  1. Foul language – even though most of the foul language was taken out, with the permission of the author, for school productions.
  2. Racial slurs – although the main character, a condemned killer, is a white supremacist, most of the harsh racial language was removed.  Just enough to retain authenticity remained.
  3. Students acting out smoking cigarettes – the only cigarette on stage was a fake one tucked behind the main character’s ear.

I agree with Rolly’s comment that it’s like she didn’t even see the play.  There are a couple of other things that are funny (and not in the funny-ha-ha way) about this latest crusade.

Instead of meeting with administrators, after one of her cronies called the school district and they suggested a meeting instead of immediately groveling for their forgiveness, Gayle goes straight to the press, with five (unsigned) letters she claims are from Bingham High parents.  I guess she was smart enough to figure out that without names, no one could prove the letters were bullshit.

The school district’s Communication Director told Rolly that only one complaint was made to the district about the play, whereas they received over 700 positive comments from parents and patrons.

Yup, after losing the Sex-Ed and Common Core battles, seems these weary folk are desperately grasping at straws in an attempt to regain some semblance of control over education here in Utah.

May their efforts continue to be in vain.

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