Saturday, June 29, 2013

Amendment 3 Unconstitutional?

One group and several legal analysts have predicted that within the next 5 years we will see same-sex marriage in all 50 states.  I don’t know about that prediction, but I have one of my own.

If and when the U.S. Supreme Court forces Utah to recognize same-sex marriages, and that’s what it will take here, I predict we’ll see this:

And that will be a good thing.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Legislative Follies

Last legislative session a bill that would have made cockfighting a felony was struck down.  One of the opposing legislators said he voted against it because he couldn’t see making cockfighting a felony as long as abortion is legal.

Sen. Gene Davis, (D-Salt Lake City), just pre-filed SB52, word-for-word the same as that bill that he introduced last year.  The opposition has already come out with an asinine response.

“Roosters fighting each other, that comes naturally.  Yes, it’s enhanced by people.  I just don’t believe it deserves a felony.” was Sen. Allen Christensen’s, (R-North Ogden) excuse for opposing it this time.

At least he admitted the comparison with abortion was not the best idea.  “I will still oppose it.  I will be a little wiser in the comparison in the penalties for that and certain other things.”

But by far, the best argument came from some guy in Oklahoma that called Sen. Davis and told him “George Washington fought cocks, it’s part of our culture.”  Yeah, so was slavery, treating women like property, only allowing male property owners to vote and dozens of other things we have (thankfully) realized needed to end.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Longing for “Watergate”.

I was only 12 when the Watergate break-in happened, 14 when President Richard Nixon resigned.  I was disgusted, embarrassed and convinced he would go down in history as the worst American politician, ever.

40 years and our last president later, Nixon seems more pathetic than criminal.  He was a victim of his own paranoia.  He pretty much had the election locked up, with or without knowledge of the Democrat’s battle plan.  And at least he had the common courtesy to resign so that a country torn apart by his misdeeds could start to heal.

Not so much with Utah Attorney General John Swallow.  He is swimming in allegations of ethical violations, power brokering, bribery and strong-arming.  There are several ongoing investigations into Swallow’s misdeeds, Federal and State.   Whether true or not, these accusations are compromising the ability of his office to do it’s job.

Personally, I don’t trust the guy any further than I could throw him, and I’m convinced that, at best, he’s guilty of unethical political dealings.  I wouldn’t be surprised if he was guilty of some criminal endeavors also, and I definitely believe he should resign.  Even though I don’t know all the details and am in no way a political “insider”, I do know enough about Utah politics to see the writing on the wall.


  1. In a political “old-boys” network that recently gave a standing ovation to a legislator that came clean and resigned after it was alleged he had gone hot-tubbing with a teenage girl, several members of the Utah House have sent out emails discussing starting impeachment proceedings against Swallow, who belongs to the same party.
  2. Our conservative Republican Governor has publically stated that if it were in his power, he would have already fired conservative Republican Attorney General John Swallow.
  3. Paul Mero, President of the Sutherland Institute, a conservative “think” tank here in Salt Lake City, has publically advised Swallow to resign.

John Swallow’s response to all this?

"Why would you step down from a duly elected office when two-thirds of the people in Utah elected you because of your vision and your platform just because of allegations from questionable sources?”

"I’ve looked at the ethics statutes … and don’t see anything I’ve done that gets close to the line."

"I don’t like sweaters,"

Swallow said he asked for a federal investigation into the allegations against him, even though it’s "like putting a fire hose up your nose and turning it on full blast" because he is certain he will be cleared.

"It takes a lot of courage to stand strong in the face of fire, knowing your convictions and knowing what you did or didn’t do,"

I am not a crook.

Worked for Nixon, right?